Thank you for visiting Beauty God's Way!
- Harriett Ward
About "Beauty God's Way"
Beauty God’s Way came about through one of those rare moments when God will speak to you very privately and personally, revealing purpose.
Being in the Cosmetology field, I understand beauty. Also being Born Again, I (somewhat), understand God’s way of doing things, and for me He joined them both together.
Through the years I have come to recognize the beauty in many aspects of our lives. Appearance, behavior, confidence, environment and most of all, our love walk.
In every area of our lives, beauty God’s way can be evident, and I am inspired to share with you, the beauty of what God has shown me.
For example, we are living in a world of many beautiful things that inspire and motivate, but what is the inspiration and motivation for beauty when we are children of the Most High? We must examine that and have a clear understanding of what we want to exemplify.
I know we have all seen very beautiful women, or men who were very handsome and their personalities or behavior were quite the opposite. That is not a good representation of a Spirit-led person.
We need more than skin deep beauty. We need beauty that resonates from our core, that being our Spirit. Simply stated, that’s Beauty God’s Way.

About "Alternative Skin Care"
Alteranative Skin Care was birthed from understanding how we must cultivate ourselves inward as well as outward. My Luxurious Sugar Scrub and Luxury Body Butter with their clean, pure ingredients, will allow you to experience Beauty God's Way!